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The Escape Journey: Settle for nothing less

We try hard, so we can turn away from lifestyles we are not passionate with.   

Interesting souls find it particularly wearing to settle for less in life. Stephanie is one of them, she quit her job from a big company that many people would dream for and left Beijing. The moment she set foot in Shanghai, secretly excited about the unknown, she gave a silent farewell to her increasingly suffocating “involuted” life.  

 Like many of élite high achievers, Stephanie could only see one way that she can make claims for her dignity. And, most often, that way is to land a well-paying job. Having scaled and optimized our lives, we may find ourselves have become just like our devices: interchangeable and emblazoned with a sheen of productivity, for no real higher purpose. 

Stephanie stayed curious despite being trapped for years in a status race, she got out but kept a touch of “naiveté” that has nothing to do with climbing the social ladder, and continues to explore the unknown in her professional and personal life. 

Stephanie is now looking for like-minded roommates on Wellcee, but she mostly is trying to connect with more like-minded friends here. She holds a knowledge-sharing session every week, where young talents from all walks of life gather to share their industry experience, interesting books, artistic ideas, etc. Through those sharing sessions, Stephanie wishes to create a space where everyone shares what truly excites them, that may not have a place in their  “involuted” life.  

If you also want to participate in Stephanie's knowledge-sharing session and meet more interesting souls, please contact her through the link and give her a fun self-introduction~



Wellcee team🌈

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