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A different approach to exercise

故事 运动
Beijing, China
My Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) studies here in China has over the years lead my to a more balanced approach to exercise. An approach that is more efficient and more appropriate for the general population. Before, working as a circus artist I was training 4-6 days a week for 5-8 hours per day. Besides that traveling and performing and teaching. That level of exercise is equal to professional athletes. This level of exercise is not recommended for anyone. It is extreemly hard on the body and the avarage age of retirement is below 40. 
TCM has a completely different approach. Here it is all about balance for your body and it's relation to the environment around you. The theory of five elements and yin yang  is excellent to describe this for easy understanding. The five elements is to understand our relation to the environment and the changing seasons. Wood is spring, fire summer, earth late summer, metal fall and water winter. In combination with yin yang it can be understood that summer is yang, movement and energy(qi). While winter is yin, stillness and calm. If we want to stay healthy then it is extremely important to emphasize that winter is the season with less qi and therefor we should not do much strong exercise. This is for us to preserve our bodies and not fall ill. Sweating should be avoided during the cold months too. 
When it comes to summer we should be more active. This is because the environment around us has more qi and we should tap into that. Take it and store it in our bodies to prepare ourselves for the coming winter. Spring and fall should be understood as in between these two extremes. Spring you should get up early and go to bed early and in fall you should get up late and stay up late
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