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Beijing Summer Electronic Music Festival | Summer Wonderland

Fee:¥1 / Person

capacity: 20 People

Location:北京延庆区世葡TRUST門空间 - 世界葡萄博览园

Summer Wonderland, Swaying in the Forest

In this fast-paced era, where most people have been bound by concrete for too long and the hustle and bustle of the city has made our senses decayed. Instead of immersing ourselves in the fragmented information of the internet, why not leave the city, embark on a journey into nature, and believe in the possibility of becoming immortals, in believing in legends.

But believing in legends is not as good as believing in electronic music, Because "Believing in Electronic Music" is creating a "Wonderland".

This time, our old friend aurora from Wellcee, along with many outstanding domestic electronic music talents, will bring everyone a feast that combines the beauty of nature and music at the TRUST門 Space in Yanqing, Beijing.

The melodic rhythm of electronic music is the fusion, respect, and worship of technology towards nature, reminding everyone who enters the "Wonderland" that life is not just about the burdens of work and family, but also occasionally about the "Wonderland" where one can escape from reality.

We certainly won't become immortals by immersing ourselves in the "Wonderland". However, we can let ourselves go with the exquisite natural scenery and the electronic music prepared for us, and temporarily become "fairies" or "enchanting beings," experiencing the freedom of thoughtless detachment and living freely in the "Wonderland".

Apart from electronic music and natural landscapes,

There will also be Barbecues, camping, frisbee, and more...

Let's revel and be passionate this summer in the Wonderland created by electronic music!

● Time:


● Location:

TRUST門 Space, Yanqing District, Beijing - World Grape Expo Garden

● Tickets:

On-site/At door: ¥200

Round trip bus: ¥90

(Both are two-day tickets)


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