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Free CrossFit Trainning: Pard·Remix & Wellcee

費用:¥1 / 人

人數限制: 10 人

地點:双花园南里二区南区11号楼1层106 |1st Floor, NO.11, ShuangHuaYuan Nanli Dist. 2

Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass


CrossFit is a fitness regimen developed in the U.S. In the past 10 years, CrossFit has 13,000 gyms worldwide. If you have friends or coworkers that enjoy working out, you might have even heard them talking about the newest CrossFit gym. So, let's figure out what CrossFit is and how it works!


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

What is CrossFit? 

Crossfit is a training program that builds strength and conditioning through extremely varied and challenging workouts.  Each day the workout will test a different part of your functional strength or conditioning, not specializing in one particular thing, but rather with the goal of building a body that's capable of practically anything and everything. CrossFit is extremely different from a commercial gym and not just because you won't find any ellipticals, weight machines, or Zumba classes. 


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

How does it work?

After a long day at work, surfing and working on projects, you have to distract your mind from the daily grind. Crossfit can help you avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts. What's unique about CrossFit isn't just the high intensity and functionality but also the high level of camaraderie that grows from something as common as working out.


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass


CrossFit fitness training builds on the concept of Boot Camp group training. It gives us the tools to improve ourselves and then motivate us to show that authentic self to a room of sweaty, strong, loving athletes. Since this process requires vulnerability, it connects and creates relationships, tribes, and squads fairly quickly. 


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

The CrossFit Games is an athletic competition with a total prize payout of $2,200,000 and stylizes their individual winners as the "Fittest on Earth".


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

Rich Froning Jr 

So, let's say you're interested in trying out a CrossFit class or joining a CrossFit gym, isn't? Then let’s start together and join CrossFit &Remix Club with the Wellcee team! 


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass


Pierre (Founder of Pard&Remix) had been working in the Middle East for 5 years. Due to harsh living, working conditions and high-intensity of overseas work, he always had an irregular lifestyle and didn't do any sports. One time, I went to the hospital and my body measurements were all in the danger zone! But after doing CrossFit, my life completely changed! It made me stronger than ever. CrossFit encouraged me to exercise and be passionate about sports. Now, I consider myself as a lucky guy, - I'm doing what I really love and am obsessed with - Pierre.


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

Pierre: Founder of  Pard&Remix

CrossFit&Remix is one of the first training centers which opened in Beijing and was officially certified by CrossFit. The facilities are well equipped and currently have 6 certified and experienced coaches.


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

Pard&Remix in Shuangjing 

Pard&Remix is located in the CBD area. In a city as big as Beijing, working more than 40+ hours a week in a several areas and trying to be in good physical shape... it's hard to make new friends. CrossFit&Remix will help you find friends who love health and fitness!


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

Sport is fundamental to our lives.

Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

Remix also has their own Team for SPARTAN SPRINT RACE: "join us right now, you won't walk alone. "



Wellcee and Pard&Remix offer a special promotion: Everyone who registered with Wellcee can join the Remix Crossfit training camp and can enjoy a Free trainning for 1 Week - 1 Month. 


Wellcee Crossfit 3 Class Pass

Location: 1st Floor, Building 11, Shuanghuan Nanli Dist. 2, Guangheli Zhongjie

Tel/Wechat:  13601389066  (Pierre Zhao)


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