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Growing inward, blossoming outward.


Carnegie once said, "If you have shadows behind you, don't worry, it's because there is sunshine ahead."

The growth journey of Wellcee user Elaine is a true reflection of this statement.



In the process of chatting with Elaine, I was deeply moved by her story. As a young girl, she was beautiful but unaware, constantly trapped in the anxiety of her appearance.


And this kind of anxiety still lingers in the bodies of countless young girls who are struggling internally today.


The distribution of sunshine has always been uneven. Along our journey of growth, we may often find ourselves in the dark and confused. But as long as we continue to grow towards the light, the flowers of life will bloom for you and me.



Elaine says that not feeling beautiful enough or brave enough is because we are not valuable enough. I hope this statement can inspire and encourage us.


The feelings of frustration and anxiety that exist beyond the definition of perfection, the ones that no one teaches us how to face. They permeate our lives, occupying our bodies, minds, and spirits, yet they are rarely talked about or shown courageously.



 It was a wonderful twist of fate when Elaine embarked on a shared living experience on Wellcee and luckily met a group of like-minded companions.


For Elaine, the city of Shanghai is overcrowded and indifferent, but there are always some serendipitous people and events that make her nostalgic, giving her warmth and the strength to persevere.


Cooking together, doing yoga together, playing around together, and sharing that warm and beautiful time—this drifting city suddenly becomes a home with a sense of warmth.



When living with roommates who are happy and full of positive energy, people unconsciously adjust their own behaviors. Through getting to know and accompany roommates, they come to understand themselves better and become better versions of themselves through mutual encouragement.


This is also the healthy lifestyle that Wellcee wants to share with everyone. May every person experiencing appearance anxiety and lack of confidence find healing through yoga, meditation, and the warmth and support of like-minded roommates.



Elaine believes that whether living alone or in a shared space, the most important thing is to maintain an optimistic and positive mindset. Only then will we have the ability to enjoy a wonderful life.


Every moment in life is worth experiencing fully.


Whether it's yoga, meditation, or goofing around and savoring delicious food with companions—anything!


In the process, find your own shining point. This not only heals yourself but indirectly heals others as well.


If it's shared living, finding that like-minded roommate truly brings ripples of happiness to an ordinary life. Good roommates bring warmth and healing.



Stop self-doubting. The weather is beautiful, and the warm sunshine will shine upon you. The cool breeze of the evening will impartially share its refreshing touch with you. The romantic fragrance of flowers also spreads for you. This world is secretly loving you in its own way.


But at the same time, you must love yourself.


May you also be unaffected by any critical gazes while understanding your own state. Learn to be a bit more self-oriented and clear-headed, maintain a sense of vigilance towards others' aesthetic judgments and opinions, and avoid the trap of "appearance anxiety" and "body image anxiety." Women will lead more carefree and confident lives.


Read more books, sleep on time, and then become more gentle and generous, continue to be kind, and remain sincere.


May you and I both grow internally and blossom outwardly on our journey of growth.

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