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Interview with YouTube Star Amy Lyons

Imagine you had the chance to be reborn at any time in human history. What would you choose? I guess, one of the smarter, more prudent choices would be today, except 2020, of course.  

We are Millennials born in a period of exponential economic growth, technological boom, living in a time of endless opportunities and optimism with the dream of building a career as a social media influencer to reach an audience of millions.  

The Sydney-born Amy is an example of those successful Millennials with the hundred-thousands followers, but she didn’t fall into this social media influencer role by accident.  

Back in 2015, she ended up finishing in the top 15 on the biggest Chinese language competition called “Chinese Bridge” with more than 300 million viewers.  

Her fluent Chinese language skills and an upbeat personality certainly shine through in her videos (YouTube channel “Blondie in China”). With her endless creativity and talent she is creating videos attract millions of views, with the most popular one "chopstick legs" - got more than 3 million hits.  

After interviewing Amy, we were fascinated by her energy, inspired from her lively nature and her passion in life. It is something we’ve find increasingly valuable on Wellcee - to share more inspiring stories, after all there is nothing is more inspiring than learning from people who chase their dreams.  

Love,  Wellcee. 

"Check out Amy's videos on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BlondieinChina/videos

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