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"Paint" Romance | Express Yourself Freely With The Help Of Roses

When was the last time you sincerely and passionately expressed your love? Was it in the fleeting silence that follows a conversation with your parents? Or in the accidental gaze shared with your beloved? Perhaps it was the clammy palms that betrayed your nerves during a first encounter, or the gentle dampness as you touched the delicate tip of a kitten's nose...

We often find ourselves overthinking the complexity of love, mulling over its definition time and again. Yet, despite countless rehearsals, the simple and heartfelt words we long to utter transform into a silent pause when the moment arrives.

Unable to materialize love through mere language, let us embrace doodles as a medium of expression, a canvas for our innocent flutters, fervent hopes, and the unspoken words of tenderness that reside deep within our hearts.

💐On May 20th, Wellcee x Edenfarm brought flowers to Xuhui Binjiang to share the romance with everyone!

"I'm single, so this rose is useless..."

"I'm not good at drawing... What should I draw as a love confession?"

"Oh dear, I'm too old to be giving flowers!"

Yet, love transcends all limitations, and romance knows no bounds. Release yourself from these rigid and confined notions!

While the word "love" may seem trite, a heartfelt confession revitalizes the essence of love, forever vibrant and new.

Let's share this surprising romance together—

Witness the bashful smiles of Russian girls as they celebrate their 22nd birthdays, their faces illuminating with joy upon receiving flowers. The vivid orange roses mirror the ardor of their youthful hearts.

Picture a girl reclining on the grass, accompanied by her faithful Shiba Inu. As the twilight breeze gently caresses them, she adorns her white T-shirt with a sketch of a cottage with a pointed roof—an expression of her imagination and the little pup who has become an integral part of her family.

Imagine a summer outing, where a family basks in the warmth of the sun. In the gleaming eyes of their babbling child, the reflection of rose-shaped imagery evokes both the romance shared by the parents and the sheer delight belonging solely to the little one.

A rose, ever elusive in its definition, offers innumerable possibilities for expressing love. So go ahead, "paint" a picturesque scene and let the romantic hues unfold!

Love, a complex endeavor, holds immense value precisely because of its challenges. It is in navigating these obstacles that we come to treasure love even more. Yet, at its core, love is beautifully simple—requiring only the courage to express it openly and sincerely.

In this spirit, Wellcee extends its heartfelt wishes: together, let us transcend boundaries and create the conditions for a captivating romance to unfold and flourish💗

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