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Riverside cycling, exploring Shanghai.

Fee:¥99 / Person

capacity: 20 People



In early summer evenings, with a cool breeze and consecutive rainy days, many friends' moods are as cloudy as the weather in Shanghai.

But cycling! It can definitely rescue everyone and bring a good mood!


In this busy city of Shanghai, there is a most beautiful riverside cycling route that allows you to get away from the hustle and bustle and experience the beauty of Pudong up close, enjoying the freedom of the wind. Along the way, there are lush trees, the scent of flowers, and fresh air to breathe, making it very pleasant.


During the Dragon Boat Festival, let's wander around the magic city together. This time, Wellcee and Sony are jointly organizing this riverside cycling event, welcoming more cycling enthusiasts to join us in cycling along the Huangpu River and envisioning a bicycle journey.



【Total Distance】: 22.9 kilometers

【Duration】: Approximately 1 hour and 55 minutes of cycling

【Route】: ⛳ North Wall to South Wall: Yangpu Bridge-Lujiazui Riverside-Nanpu Bridge-Expo Park-Houtan Park-Qiantan Riverside Park-Xupu Bridge️️

【Meeting Time】 Dragon Boat Festival, June 22: Gather at 3:30 PM, departure at 4:00 PM.

【Meeting Point】 North Wall Ferry Terminal (No. 1 Xiapu Road): Sony, the sponsor, will provide us with beverages and a Sony headphone experience. (Participants have a chance to win Sony sports headphones worth thousands of RMB.)

【How to Win Prizes】: 

In the Wellcee Lifestyle section, post high-quality cycling-related content with the hashtag #Free as the wind. The participant with the highest number of likes under the #Free as the wind hashtag will receive a pair of Sony sports headphones worth 999 RMB, and the participant with the second-highest number of likes will receive a pair of Wi-C100 entry-level Sony headphones worth 199 RMB.


【Announcement Date for Prize Winners】: July 30, 2023. Until July 30, everyone can freely share their lifestyles to receive more likes, and then we will announce the first and second prize winners on July 30.


Ride around four o'clock in the evening when the weather is not too hot. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery while cycling, and along the way, you will also see many people camping in the parks, creating a lively atmosphere.

Cycling enthusiasts, hurry up and sign up to participate!


1、Outdoor activities are non-profit, self-help activities. If unforeseeable factors cause physical harm due to accidents, the organizers and participants of the team have an obligation to do their best to help, but if irreversible harm is caused, the organizers and participants of the activity will not assume any legal or economic responsibility.
2、All participants who register are deemed to be fully capable of civil conduct. If personal injury occurs during the activity, the organizers and participants of the team will not assume any compensation responsibility, and the injured party shall settle the matter in accordance with the law and this "Disclaimer Clause". Anyone who registers is deemed to have accepted this statement. If someone registers on behalf of another person and the person suffers personal injury during the activity, the team leader also does not assume any compensation responsibility.
3、Before participating in the activity, participants must communicate with their families in advance, obtain their understanding and support, and know and agree to this disclaimer. Participants are deemed to have informed and agreed their families after registration, otherwise the consequences shall be borne by the participants themselves.
4、The purpose of this disclaimer is to clarify the risks of outdoor activities to the organizers and participants of the activity, enhance self-discipline and risk resistance, avoid unnecessary consequences, and make outdoor activities safer and more enjoyable!
5、This statement will automatically take effect and be deemed accepted upon the start of the activity.
6、Photo statement: By default, the organizer has the right to use and distribute all relevant photos taken on the day of the event. If you have any objections, please communicate with the organizer in advance. Otherwise, it is deemed that the above terms are agreed upon.
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