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Ten Years of Passion, Embracing Mountains and Seas — French Architect Vladimir


Shanghai's historical residences, with their gracefully arched doorways and gracefully sloping roofs, are living testaments to the city's enduring spirit and resilience.

In the summer heat, the old houses become sanctuaries of calmness and tranquility, where one can escape the bustling city and immerse oneself in the timeless beauty of their graceful architecture.

French architect Vladimir smiles as he opens the door to his house, he found the perfect old house and made it into a lovely home.

Ten years ago, filled with curiosity and longing for Eastern culture, he left France and came to China, stepping into this unknown and unfamiliar land. Shanghai was supposed to be just a small landmark on his long journey, but he fell in love with the vibrant city and chose to stay.


"I love the dynamism of Shanghai, every day is different."

The slow and tranquil pace of life in Europe is comforting, but Vladimir wanted more.  He enjoys meeting people from different backgrounds and experiencing diverse cultures.

With an indomitable spirit that dances on the edge of possibility, he radiates an infectious enthusiasm for growth and change, invigorating the exciting metropolis with his vibrant presence.


Embracing change has always been the pursuit of the brave, as breaking free from the constraints of rules demands unwavering determination and courage.

Initially feeling uncomfortable with the work culture in China, Vladimir embarked on a remarkable journey that led him to establish his own rules.  He now developed a deep passion for his work as an architect with his own design company.

"It would be terrible to spend half of your time in a place that tortures you." Even when he worked as a bartender in a bar during his student days, he always loved the environment he was in.

The pursuit of change is inherent to humanity. We seek to break free from monotony and explore the vast world. It is our imagination that propels us to spread our footsteps across the globe and venture into the galaxy's expanse. 

Perhaps it is the same spirit that led Vladimir to rent a house rather than buy one.


“What I like with the rent is that you can change your apartment anytime you want, you are not stuck with one flat”.

The decision to rent a house allows Vladimir to pursue a new life, he rented an old house in an alleyway for 20,000 yuan and slowly transformed it into his ideal home.

The living room is bathed in flickering tree shadows, courtesy of three large glass windows. An exquisite balcony boasts a set of small outdoor tables and chairs.

The pure white terrace is adorned with a soft red carpet and scattered Bohemian-style cushions. Inside the house, Vladimir meticulously nurtures various green plants, each exuding vibrant vitality.


In contrast to the fast-paced and dangerously comfortable zones, the concrete jungle of Shanghai offers a unique balance and satisfaction with its creativity and relaxed atmosphere.

When asked about slowing down his life, Vladimir doesn't dismiss the idea entirely, stating, "Perhaps, in the future, I may grow weary of the hustle and seek a place more suitable for a slow-paced life. But for now, I revel in the excitement it brings."

🌷Vladimir will be offering his house for short-term rental in August. If you're in need of temporary accommodation, feel free to contact him for further details!


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